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When You Should Call An Electrician

Keeping Your Family Safe Since 1949

Everyone loves the feeling of putting in a little elbow grease and doing some work around the house. Doing work around the house is great when it comes to simple task such as cleaning, organizing, and maybe even minor structural work. Although, one area you should leave to the pros, electrical work.

There are numerous reasons why you should call an electrician when dealing with electrical work. These reasons include the danger involved, difficulty, cost effectiveness, and quality workmanship.

Here are The Top Reasons to Hire a Licensed Electrician


In today’s society electricity is all around us. You are using electricity right now to read this article; our homes use electricity, our cars, phones, computer, electricity is everywhere. Because electricity is so commonplace today, we forget there is real danger involved.

Even though an electrical problem might seem simple on the surface, it could be a very complicated issue that you do not even realize. When you try to fix an electrical issue, even a seemingly minor mistake, can damage your appliance, start a fire, or electrocute you.

In the US 50,900 fires are attributed to electrical failure or malfunction each year. These fires, in turn, accounted for 490 deaths and 1,440 injuries. These numbers go to show that electrical issues are a very serious matter and are not something that should be thought of lightly.

Any device hooked up to your home’s electrical circuit can produce the necessary amps to shock you fatally. From 1992 to 2002, electrocution was the 6th leading cause of workplace fatalities. This danger is why you should call an electrician to ensure your safety and to make sure there is no damage to whatever it is you are working on.


Electrical circuits and appliances can be very tricky. Electrical appliances sometimes can be a configuration of dozens of tiny little parts. You most likely have no idea what each one does or how they work together, this can cause massive confusion.

Certified electricians have years of experience and know how each of these little pieces works. With this knowledge, it is much easier for an electrician to handle these problems than it would be for you. What could take you multiple, long hours may take them a much shorter amount of time.

An additional reason as to why you should call an electrician is because depending on what electrical work is being done you will need to get a permit and have inspectors look at the work. Hiring a licensed electrician greatly enhances your chances of obtaining the necessary permits. On top of that if you do not get the permit after inspection it is the electrician’s job to fix that, not yours.

Cost Effectiveness

The biggest reason people try to fix problems around their house is to save money. Electrical problems can be very tricky; a small mistake can lead to permanent damage to your appliance or home. This can lead you to either having to buy a brand new machine or having to call a professional to fix a bigger problem than you initially tried to solve yourself.

If this happens, then you will be reaching further into your pocket. Trying to fix an electrical problem yourself can wind up costing you more than if you had initially called an electrician in the first place.

Quality Workmanship

It can be difficult when you go online and see a ton of different home improvement sites say “Do It Yourself.” Then you have different hardware stores such as Home Depot and Lowes that have all the tools and equipment you need. Combine those two things, and you get a sense that you can do electrical work on your own.

However, this truly is not the case.

When you hire an officially licensed electrician, you get someone who has a vast array of knowledge and expertise. Electricians have extensive training, and they come with all the tools and equipment necessary the first time.

Instead of you, who may end up making numerous trips to the hardware store. A good electrician can also troubleshoot small, minor problems before they grow into larger, major problems for you. Electricians from reputable companies also usually offer product warranties and labor guarantees. These practices help put your mind at ease knowing you are insured from any complications.

Contact the Local Professionals

The thought of fixing an electrical problem at your house might make you feel excellent. However, going through with it and fixing the problem can prove much more dangerous and challenging than you think, that is why you call a professional electrician.

There are so many other things you can do with your time such as going to the gym, spending time with family, or going out with friends. It is always best to call an electrician whenever electrical work needs to be done.

The post When You Should Call An Electrician appeared first on Suncoast Home Solutions.
